Ayudha Pooja | Annapurna, October 2022
On the day of Ayudha Pooja (technically, celebrated it a day before the actual one) we had Manou visiting Annapurna to photograph some of the ladies who work at the farm. Manou has been travelling for the last 10 years taking images across India. His blog Wearabout is a document of people and clothing focusing on the use of hand-made textiles interwoven with narratives of people in a regionally and socially diverse society. Photo IDsSlide 1: Sangeetha with her mother Sangini (in bright pink-blue sari). Sangini has been working with us since 1992 and Sangeeta soon after. Sangini has been involved in various farming activities since the beginning and has seen many season at Annapurna. Sangeetha started off with herding and milking cows; now she manages the day-to-day activities of dairy-fruit processing.Slide 2: Malathi, regular at Annapurna since 2018 and before the on-off season as a casual worker. Her day involves making database entries, supervising granary and day-to-day farm activities.Slide 3: Laxmi, a casual worker for the paddy season.Slide 4: From left to right, Shivgami, Santhi from Sedrapet, Soundri, and Anjali.Slide 5: Ambika, regular since the mid-90s. In paddy season she manages the transplanting team; off-season her role varies from dairy – processing to granary support.Slide 6: Santhi from Sedrapet. She used to be one of our milkers for the dairy until she stepped down due to health issues. Now she comes to the farm as a casual worker; actively during the paddy season.